School Choice and a Performance-based Voucher System

In the heartland of Ohio's 89th House District, a champion for transformative change emerges in the form of Steve Kraus. With an unwavering commitment to the future of our children, Steve advocates for a revolutionary overhaul of the education system, driven by a belief in the power of choice and accountability.

Steve recognizes the cracks in Ohio's K-12 education system, marred by years of stagnation and a lack of competition. The deterioration of public schools, in many instances, has reached a point of shame, leaving parents and students stranded in a sea of educational inequity. With a call for school choice through a performance-based universal voucher system, Steve envisions a landscape where parents have the power to shape their children's education.

Public schools, once the bastions of knowledge, now face a crisis of complacency. Steve challenges this status quo, advocating for a fair and inclusive voucher system that empowers not only private and charter schools but also home school educators. Every educator, regardless of their setting, should be treated with fairness and respect, ensuring that parents are not shortchanged in their quest to provide the best education for their children.

Embracing the power of local competition, Steve believes that school districts should set their own graduation requirements, fostering an environment where excellence is the standard. Parents, the true stakeholders in their children's education, should be granted the authority to have a meaningful say in shaping the academic journey of their offspring.

Acknowledging past issues with voucher systems, Steve proposes stringent consequences for schools that violate public trust by cheating on standards. A fifth-degree misdemeanor for educators found guilty of such transgressions is a necessary step to preserve the integrity of our education system.

In the spirit of compassion, Steve emphasizes the need for accommodations in the performance-based voucher system. Recognizing the diverse needs of students, he advocates for adjustments that ensure schools are not penalized for supporting those who may face learning deficiencies or impairments.

Especially in the disadvantaged corners of our inner cities, where educational outcomes are often dismal despite higher per-pupil costs, Steve's vision shines bright. With a compassionate heart, he aims to break the shackles of limited choices, offering a lifeline to those who need it most – our vulnerable youth.

In Steve Kraus, Ohio's 89th House District finds a passionate advocate for educational reform, a patriot seeking to rekindle the flame of opportunity for every child, regardless of their background or circumstance.

Ohio's Public Schools are Contributing to Societal Divisiveness and Moral Decay - Where Pride Flags are more Welcome than the Ten Commandments and CRT is more Welcome than the Truth!