The Ohio 89th House District

The Ohio 89th House District is composed of most of Ottawa County, all of Erie County, and two small slivers of Huron County. In this map, the boundaries of the 89th District are marked in red.

Prior to 2014, the 89th District was considered a Democrat stronghold with Democrats firmly in control of both Erie and Ottawa Counties. With Steve Kraus' historic win in 2014 over the state Democrat Chairman and the 89th Ohio House District Incumbent, Chris Redfern - it marked a shift for Republicans. Ottawa County is considered strongly Republican thanks to the efforts of tireless volunteers and Erie County is considered a tossup.

Steve Kraus, a decorated Air Force veteran, made history in 2014 when his grassroots campaign, backed by dedicated volunteers in Ottawa County, achieved an unprecedented victory in Ohio’s 89th House District against the seasoned incumbent, Democrat Chris Redfern. Kraus, without support from the Ohio Republican Party or the Erie County Republican Party, triumphed in a race that defeated the Democrat State Chairman and overturned the political status quo.

“Being elected in 2014 was a testament to the power of grassroots movements and the resilience of the people of Ottawa County,” Kraus reflects. “Together, we bridged divides and transformed our community from blue to red, leaving behind the divisiveness that often plagues our politics.”

Now, in 2024, Kraus is resolute in his mission to re-enter office after witnessing firsthand the inner workings of Ohio's corrupt political system. “The current state of affairs in Ohio is deeply troubling,” Kraus remarks. “There are issues that demand urgent attention – from the erosion of ethical standards to the neglect of critical problems affecting our state.”

Highlighting concerns within the Republican Party and the failures of the current officeholder, Kraus asserts, “Under DJ Swearingen’s tenure, we’ve witnessed distressing scandals, a loss of trust, a loss of confidence, and the deterioration of vital aspects of Ohio’s fabric. It’s time to confront the harsh realities: the rise of opioid deaths, child sex trafficking, business closures, and a failing education system. Ohioans deserve better.”

Kraus, who has experienced the flaws in Ohio’s justice system firsthand, is unwavering in his commitment to drive transformative reforms. “The lack of ethics and morality within our state's legal system is alarming,” he states. “We need game-changing reforms to combat the systemic corruption that has plagued our political and legal landscape for far too long.”

With a deep-rooted sense of duty and a vision for a better Ohio, Kraus pledges to fight for comprehensive changes that will restore integrity, accountability, and transparency to the heart of Ohio’s governance.

Why I am Running

My Values

  1. Constitutional Originalism: I have an interpretation of the United States Constitution that emphasizes original intent and its historical context.

  2. Value-Based Governance: I am committed to policy decision-making and legislation informed by a moral framework aligned closely with Judeo-Christian principles.

  3. Limited Government Intrusion: I am dedicated to minimizing government interference in the private lives of Ohio residents. I do believe in healthcare freedom, and election integrity.

  4. Efficient Governance: I will maintain a focus on small and efficient government.

  5. Fiscal Prudence: I am an advocate for reduced government spending and lower taxation levels.

  6. Pro-Life Stance: I support the Right-to-Life, including recognizing personhood rights for the preborn.

  7. Market Competition Promotion: I believe in school choice and advocate for policies and legislation that fosters maximum competition within the free-market system.

  8. Local Autonomy: I will be a staunch advocate for the promotion of greater local control over public health policies and public school administration.

  9. Parental Rights: I will always place an emphasis on parental rights prevailing over government intervention in matters concerning children unless the parents demonstrate they do not have their child's best interest at heart.

  10. Community Well-being: In all my dealings I will strive for the creation of healthy, safe, and prosperous communities conducive to raising families.

Common Questions

Why you instead of the incumbent?

Unlike my competitor, I have not been censured from both the Ohio Republican State Central Committee and the Republican caucus of the Ohio House of Representatives. My opponent's lack of support stems from a loss of confidence among his colleagues due to questionable dealings. This erosion of trust poses a significant obstacle, hindering his ability to pass meaningful legislation. The fragile balance my opponent maintains, alongside 21 others, perpetuates division within the Ohio House, impeding our party's effectiveness in achieving legislative progress.

What would you different than your opponent?

I will not sacrifice my trust for the sake of political gain. We need to work as a team to get things done and we need to trust our team mates. These are some of the things I would have done differently.

  1. I would have called for the impeachment of Mike DeWine for suspending "due process" and "equal application of the law" during the COVID pandemic because the power to suspend law lies exclusively with the Ohio General Assembly - even in times of an emergency. Yes, I do prefer Husted to DeWine.

  2. I would have pressed for the General Assembly to end the COVID declared state of emergency much earlier - before Governor DeWine unilaterally implemented Cuomo-esque policies instead of policies substantially similar to DeSantis and Noem.

  3. I would have asked for an investigation into the Governor's handling of the pandemic. I would have asked for an "after action" report to see what actions were effective and ineffective.

  4. I would have proposed a viable solution to gerrymandering a long time ago and I would have been proactive in calling for the repeal of the Ohio Redistricting Commission.

  5. I would have, long ago, proposed that Ohio only allow the state Constitution to be amended by ratification in Presidential election years.

  6. I think the Governor has too much power in making gubernatorial appointments and would look at splitting that power with the Speaker of the House and Senate President of the Ohio General Assembly.

What will your focus be when elected?

Property tax, while purportedly a pillar of funding for essential services, has become an anchor weighing down the aspirations of our citizens. It's not merely a financial burden; it's an impediment to the pursuit of the American dream, an encroachment on the very principles upon which our nation was founded.

Our forefathers, in their wisdom, envisioned a land where every individual could aspire, build, and thrive without undue constraints. Property ownership, a cornerstone of our freedom, is fettered by the onerous weight of property taxation. It stifles initiative, inhibits growth, and curtails the very liberties we hold dear. We must ask ourselves the question - do we own our property or do we merely rent it from the government?

The American dream, the notion that every citizen can chart their course, build a legacy, and leave a better world for future generations, is obstructed by the perpetual obligation to pay a tax simply for possessing a place to call home. This tax not only burdens homeowners but stifles entrepreneurship and constrains innovation, hindering our collective progress.

Imagine a future where property ownership is no longer overshadowed by the looming threat of unending tax liabilities. A future where individuals are empowered to invest in their homes, their communities, and their futures without the oppressive specter of escalating taxes. This is the vision we must champion—a vision where property ownership is truly liberating, fostering prosperity and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit that defines our nation.

Ending the property tax isn't merely a financial decision; it's a statement—a bold reaffirmation of our commitment to liberty, to opportunity, and to the unalienable rights our Constitution enshrines. It's time we unshackle Ohioans from this burdensome levy, allowing them to fully embrace the promise of the American dream.

Let us lead the way, not just for Ohio, but as a beacon of liberty for the entire nation. Let us cast off the chains of property tax and pave the way for a future where every citizen can truly pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without undue encumbrances. Together, let us forge a path towards a more prosperous and free Ohio.

School Choice, the heart of our nation beats within the halls of our schools, where the minds and spirits of our future leaders are shaped. Yet, in our quest for educational excellence, we find ourselves at a crossroads—a pivotal moment where we must rekindle the flame of freedom in education.

School choice isn't merely a policy; it's a declaration—an affirmation of our core American principles. It's about empowering parents, honoring diversity in learning, and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive and excel, irrespective of their ZIP code or economic status.

A universal performance-based voucher program, where the funding tailors itself to the individual student's educational journey, is the embodiment of true liberty in education. Imagine a system where the quality of education a child receives is the compass guiding the allocation of resources, where excellence is rewarded and mediocrity isn't subsidized.

Under this paradigm, the money follows the student—a revolutionary concept that heralds a new era of accountability and choice. Schools, entrusted with our children's futures, are incentivized to excel, to nurture brilliance, and to elevate every child towards their full potential. This isn't just about funding; it's about igniting a culture of meritocracy in our educational landscape.

Furthermore, let us acknowledge the unsung heroes in our educational tapestry—the dedicated parents who homeschool their children. They, too, should have equal access to these voucher funds, recognizing their commitment and vital role in shaping the minds of the next generation.

This vision isn't just about improving schools; it's about fortifying the foundation of our democracy. It's about empowering parents as the primary stewards of their children's education and instilling in our youth the values of liberty, individualism, and the pursuit of knowledge.

The call for school choice resonates deeply with the spirit of our nation—a spirit that cherishes freedom, innovation, and the unalienable rights of every individual. Let us embark on this journey together, not just for Ohio, but as a beacon of educational liberty that illuminates the path towards a brighter, more prosperous, and intellectually enriched future for all.

Border Security: As a proud Ohioan, I stand with unwavering commitment to the values that define our nation – values rooted in liberty, justice, and the pursuit of a brighter future for all. The issue of securing our borders is not merely a matter of policy; it's a foundational element of safeguarding our sovereignty, protecting American workers, and upholding the rule of law.

The consequences of an unsecured border are profound, extending far beyond mere political debate. Imagine a scenario where, by some twisted irony, illegal immigrants overwhelmingly voted Republican. In that alternate reality, the current administration would construct a border wall so grandiose, it would make the Great Wall of China seem minuscule. Sadly, partisan politics have clouded this essential issue.

Unchecked illegal immigration has dire repercussions for our nation. It leads to a surplus of labor, driving down wages and compromising the livelihoods of hardworking Americans. Moreover, the policies of the current administration have contributed to record inflation, exacerbating the economic strain on households across our great state.

Let us not mistake the urgency of border security for a lack of compassion. Republicans firmly believe in and champion legal and affordable immigration, welcoming those who seek to embrace the American dream through proper channels. Our nation's strength has always been derived from the rich tapestry of cultures and backgrounds that form our melting pot. However, this must occur within the framework of the law and with the assurance that it doesn't jeopardize the livelihoods of our citizens.

Securing our borders isn't an act of exclusion; it's an act of responsibility and protection. It's about safeguarding our nation's integrity, preserving economic stability, and ensuring that every individual, regardless of origin, has the opportunity to prosper within the boundaries of the law.

As a candidate committed to the values that define us as Americans, I stand for a secure border that upholds our sovereignty, protects American jobs, and honors the sanctity of legal immigration. Let us strive for a future where the promise of America remains a beacon of hope for generations to come.