Steve Kraus is fighting to make Ohio an advanced manufacturing powerhouse, a great place to raise a family, and a place to start the next small business to rocket us to Mars and beyond


”When we place a property tax on homes and abscond with the property when the taxes aren't paid - we hurt ourselves. By throwing individuals and families out on the street - the government then offers to provide shelter, food, and clothing. Then we as taxpayers foot the bill."

”Every Ohioan should have a right to attend a school of their choice. I believe market competition will allow good schools to succeed and allow bad schools to fail. A performance based universal voucher system is needed and will benefit students tremendously.”

”When the federal government doesn't do their job to secure the border - then it is up to the states to take action. I think that many of our drug overdose deaths and human trafficking problems are due to a very porous border. I believe the State of Ohio has a duty to address the border crisis”


Property Tax

School Choice

Border Security

These are the most important issues to address in Ohio:



As the political landscape evolves, it’s clear that change is imperative for Ohio. Steve Kraus, candidate for the 89th House District (encompassing Erie and Ottawa Counties), is on a mission to overhaul the status quo, championing transparency, accountability, and ethical governance in the Republican and Democrat parties.

Kraus brings a fresh perspective to the table, advocating for fundamental changes in the way our political parties operate. His platform centers on restoring integrity within the political sphere starting with a commitment to uphold Ohio’s fundamental laws that have been overlooked for far too long.

“It’s time to bring transparency back to Ohio’s political landscape,” says Kraus. “We desperately need to pass legislation to ensure political parties comply with Ohio’s sunshine laws, non-profit laws, ethics laws, and public records request laws to retain major party status. These laws exist for a good reason – so we don't have wrong doings being done with charitable donations. If these laws are good enough for Ohio's charitable non-profits - then they are good enough for Ohio's political non-profits.”

His vision extends beyond mere promises; Kraus aims to implement concrete measures that will compel political parties to adhere to Ohio’s legal frameworks, fostering an environment of openness and accountability.

“Ohioans deserve better,” Kraus emphasizes. “We need to hold our political institutions to the highest standards. This means not only abiding by the laws but also reestablishing trust between the government and the people it serves.”

Kraus's commitment to fixing Ohio isn’t just a campaign slogan – it’s a promise to rebuild a system that’s been faltering under the weight of non-compliance and secrecy.

To the Moon, Mars, and Beyond...

Advanced Manufacturing

Steve Kraus envisions a dynamic and forward-looking future for Ohio's 89th House District encompassing Erie and Ottawa Counties. Focused on propelling the region to the forefront of advanced manufacturing, Steve advocates for strategic partnerships and innovations in industries critical to our nation's progress. Leveraging the untapped potential of facilities like the Neil Armstrong Nuclear Propulsion and Space testing facility and the Davis Besse Nuclear Power Plant, Steve aims to transform these underutilized assets into hubs of cutting-edge research and development.

The plan encompasses embracing sophisticated manufacturing techniques such as electron beam welding in vacuum chambers, Hot Isostatic Press Powdered Metallurgy casting, and methods and materials testing to develop new materials. With an emphasis on aerospace, military, nuclear medicine, mining, and energy industries, Steve believes in harnessing the power of these industries to push the boundaries of technological advancements.

The focus on Plasma Gasification technology is not only an environmentally responsible approach but also an opportunity to revolutionize waste management. The plasma gasification of subgrade coal and municipal solid waste can dramatically improve our environment and nearly eliminate waste being buried in the ground or flushed into our lakes or streams. Steve envisions these facilities as centers for sustainable production, capturing rare earth elements and other valuable materials from waste streams. This, in turn, can pave the way for specialized alloys and materials, crucial for space exploration, energy production, and creating a 100% recyclable society.

Building upon the success of the creation of the Ohio Nuclear Development Authority, Steve aims to foster collaborative efforts among corporations, research institutions, to build development platforms in Erie and Ottawa counties. By creating an environment conducive to innovation, Steve seeks to position Ohio as the global epicenter of advanced manufacturing. The vision is to propel America into the forefront of space exploration, carbon-free energy, and sustainable manufacturing, ensuring that Ohio takes a leading role in shaping the future of technology and progress.

In embracing these ambitious goals, Steve Kraus believes that Ohio can not only contribute significantly to the nation's technological advancements but also provide an economic stimulus for the local community, generating jobs and expertise that will leave a lasting impact for generations to come.